RSCA and YouthStart boost opportunity-seeking youngsters


Over the past few weeks, 20 young people from Brussels reconnected with professional life through a YouthStart training program held at the Lotto Park. In the framework of "Tous Mauves," Sporting's inclusion program with presenting partner Telenet, the young people worked out a project in which they started from their passions, dreams and talents.

Tous Mauves

Tous Mauves is the inclusion program of RSC Anderlecht and partner Telenet. The program aims to provide socially vulnerable young people inside and outside Brussels with opportunities to discover and develop their talents. Those young people are reached thanks to a collaboration with strong partner organizations.

Within the program, the emphasis lies on 5 inclusion pillars:

  • Gender inclusion: more girls in football
  • Digital inclusion: reducing the digital gap
  • Sporty inclusion: facilitating football and sport for everyone
  • Professional inclusion: accelerating the integration of young people into the professional market
  • Educational inclusion: access to additional education and competence development


YouthStart gives opportunity-seeking young people - young people without a job or a diploma - a kickstart with a free training for several weeks in which they prepare them for a new challenge. As one of the partner organizations within the Tous Mauves program, Sporting is thereby working with YouthStart on the pillar of professional inclusion to accelerate the integration of young people into the labor market.

An inspiring training session at Lotto Park

RSC Anderlecht welcomed YouthStart and its youngsters to the Lotto Park for a series of intensive trainings. During such trainings, the young people put themselves in the shoes of an entrepreneur and thus discover themselves, society, their talents and where they want to go in the future.

The Lotto Park formed a unique setting for the past few weeks to work with a qualified coach and personal guidance. Employees of RSC Anderlecht gave the youngsters a session on the club's marketing and communication operation and participated as judges in the final presentations.

More than 20 young people received the coveted certificate from the hands of their personal coaches, giving a kickstart to their future. With a backpack full of new insights and a good dose of motivation, the young people in attendance closed the doors of the Lotto Park behind them. Not permanently though, they enthusiastically indicated that they would soon take their place in the stands to push purple and white forward.

Read all about Tous Mauves here

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