Mauve Ket: win a visit of your class by RSCA players

Back to school with Mauve Ket. 

Summer's over, and thousands of Mauve children returned to school over the past weeks. Sporting hopes for a interesting year for all of them, filled with chances for everyone and adventures with classmates.

For some Mauve Ket members, the first weeks of school might even get a little more exciting. One Mauve Ket member will win a visit by two RSCA players to make their return to school even more memorable. All you have to do is tell us why your class deserves a visit.


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Formation Youthstart au RSCA
Réaliser son rêve, c’est plus facile à dire qu’à faire. YouthStart peut t’aider à y arriver. YouthStart donne des formations gratuites aux jeunes entre 16 et 30 ans qui sont actuellement sans emploi et sans formation.
Interior space of 1,500 square feet for additional bars and toilet facilities to be realized next season